Monday, November 30, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
This Picture is Worth a Billion Words (minimum!) . .
We truly take a lot for granted.
Forget the football 'heroes' and movie 'stars'. AND MICHAEL JACKSON!
Pass this on so that all may know the price of freedom.
Only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you,
Jesus Christ and a Soldier.
One died for your soul; the other for your freedom.
How can you NOT PASS this along, we all send dozens of jokes.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
A letter to the teary-eyed liberal defenders of Islamic terrorists...
To any and all liberals who might feel sorry for Islamic terrorists.
( might call them freedom fighters..)
Fair warning.
You're not going to like what I have to say.
I have heard and seen with my own eyes free Americans defend islam and say that it is a religion of peace; that we, Americans, have done something to muslims to make them hate us!
There is no peace in Islam.
I have heard and seen with my own eyes free Americans whine about the treatment of the 9/11 terrrorists.
Well, too bad!
Anything that may or may not have happened to them while in American custody is a lot better than what they do to others on a daily basis!
It's a lot better than acid thrown in their faces. ( the way, you don't have to be a terrorist to do that. It's common, in Islam, to avenge a slight on one's honor by throwing acid in the face of someone from the family that imposed the slight. That slight usually being a girl who refused a marriage proposal...)
It's a lot better than having boiling oil poured down your throat; something the Quran (koran, qaran..whatever) dictates to muslims to do to heretics and apostates.
It's a lot better than raping little children to death with machine guns in front of other children in the name of Allah! (actually happened in Beslan, Russia : de/16257)
It's a lot better than killing your wife, or your daughter, or you mother, or your aunt because you think that she is too westernized or you think that she might have dishonored you somehow. ( happens everyday : http://atlasshrugs2000.typ /03/honor-killing-islams-g ruesome-gallery.html )
It's a lot better than your husband coming home from 'church' (read mosque) and he has decided that you don't have a very good character, so he ties you up and cut out your eyes, cuts off your nose, ears and tongue. Oh, and you're pregnant. And, leaves you for dead! ( actually happened, her name is Zahida Perveen : http://www.eruditiononline .com/01.04/ m )
It's a lot better than being beaten publicly for having breasts that are too firm (sounds really far out there, but it actually happens : http://atlasshrugs2000.typ /10/islam-tah-tah-fatwa-bu sting-bouncing-busts-whipp ing-women-in-public-for-pe rky-breasts.html )
So, forgive me if I don't feel sorry for those bastards!
Hang them all! Hang them high!
Hang 'em slow and in public!
Anyone who starts crying for them can go live where the SOB's came from!
We'll see how much appreciation is shown to them. (Hah!)
And, you know what really disgusts me?
All of you teary-eyed bra-burning liberals who haven't even once spoke up for the lives of muslim women who have died horrible deaths! For the children...for the girls who live under Shariah law! How dare you shed one tear for murderers and yet turn your backs on the victims, Muslim, Christian, American or not!?
How dare you??!!
You will rant and rave because we might have gotten a little rough with them and you ignore the daily atrocities committed in so-called name of Allah.
The whole lot of you are treasonous and a disgrace to this country!
Betty Wright, creator of The Webs are Woven.
( might call them freedom fighters..)
Fair warning.
You're not going to like what I have to say.
I have heard and seen with my own eyes free Americans defend islam and say that it is a religion of peace; that we, Americans, have done something to muslims to make them hate us!
There is no peace in Islam.
I have heard and seen with my own eyes free Americans whine about the treatment of the 9/11 terrrorists.
Well, too bad!
Anything that may or may not have happened to them while in American custody is a lot better than what they do to others on a daily basis!
It's a lot better than acid thrown in their faces. ( the way, you don't have to be a terrorist to do that. It's common, in Islam, to avenge a slight on one's honor by throwing acid in the face of someone from the family that imposed the slight. That slight usually being a girl who refused a marriage proposal...)
It's a lot better than having boiling oil poured down your throat; something the Quran (koran, qaran..whatever) dictates to muslims to do to heretics and apostates.
It's a lot better than raping little children to death with machine guns in front of other children in the name of Allah! (actually happened in Beslan, Russia :
It's a lot better than killing your wife, or your daughter, or you mother, or your aunt because you think that she is too westernized or you think that she might have dishonored you somehow. ( happens everyday : http://atlasshrugs2000.typ
It's a lot better than your husband coming home from 'church' (read mosque) and he has decided that you don't have a very good character, so he ties you up and cut out your eyes, cuts off your nose, ears and tongue. Oh, and you're pregnant. And, leaves you for dead! ( actually happened, her name is Zahida Perveen : http://www.eruditiononline
It's a lot better than being beaten publicly for having breasts that are too firm (sounds really far out there, but it actually happens : http://atlasshrugs2000.typ
So, forgive me if I don't feel sorry for those bastards!
Hang them all! Hang them high!
Hang 'em slow and in public!
Anyone who starts crying for them can go live where the SOB's came from!
We'll see how much appreciation is shown to them. (Hah!)
And, you know what really disgusts me?
All of you teary-eyed bra-burning liberals who haven't even once spoke up for the lives of muslim women who have died horrible deaths! For the children...for the girls who live under Shariah law! How dare you shed one tear for murderers and yet turn your backs on the victims, Muslim, Christian, American or not!?
How dare you??!!
You will rant and rave because we might have gotten a little rough with them and you ignore the daily atrocities committed in so-called name of Allah.
The whole lot of you are treasonous and a disgrace to this country!
Betty Wright, creator of The Webs are Woven.
Collaspe of the dollar and NWO coming.wmv
Here it is....the collapse of the dollar, ushering the New World Order...and no one even blinks! We all just right wing conspiracy nuts!!!! But, someday soon....we going to be right on the money! (pun intended)
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Who Created the KKK ???
The party of the four S's Democrats have systematically divided the races in America while taking the black vote for granted and convinced the black community that the Republicans and Conservatives are the racist.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Islam does not want you to know the truth....ever!
How much more should we bow our heads and ignore the onslaught of double standards and hate by Islam in our own country?
How many more little things will we suffer at the hands of the real bigots?(...give an inch, they take a mile or ten...)
Here is just one more instance of Islamic pressure ousting free speech, that just happened to be truth!
Here is an excerpt from the article:
'...Look at how the cancellation went down. Look at the systematic bullying. Freedom of speech in the age of jihad.
How many more little things will we suffer at the hands of the real bigots?(...give an inch, they take a mile or ten...)
Here is just one more instance of Islamic pressure ousting free speech, that just happened to be truth!
Here is an excerpt from the article:
'...Look at how the cancellation went down. Look at the systematic bullying. Freedom of speech in the age of jihad.
Reader Kam notes, "Muslim Chaplain Sohaib Sultan" is the one who pressured Princeton to uninvite Nonie. Interesting point: he's the author of the book, the "Koran for Dummies." In it, he writes (p. 324) that ibn Kathir is "one of the most famous" and the "most referred to in the Muslim world today." On page 96 he writes that ibn Kathir offers "an excellent collection of historical analysis on the Koran and his mastery of Islamic law makes his insights especially interesting." ibn Kathir, of course, minces no words about many topics of jihad, including this one: Jews and Christians should feel "disgraced," "humiliated," "belittled," and "miserable." ....'
This is a very touching article from Atlus Shrugs (Pamela Geller, love her!)
Bush kept his visit a secret, but you can't keep real goodness under wraps. Check this out: (hat tip sjb)
Down in Dothan, Alabama a man had a TV on in his office when the news of the military base shootings came on. The husband of one of his employees was stationed there.
He called her into his office and the minute he told her what was going on, she got a text message from her husband saying, "I am okay." The cell phone started ringing right after that. It was an ER nurse. She said, "I'm the one who just sent you a text, not your husband." She thought the message would be comforting, but she immediately knew she had to let the wife know what was going on. She said, "I am sorry but your husband has been shot 4 times and he is in surgery."
The wife left Southern Clinic in Dothan and drove all night.
Here is the photo I just received from my brother that was taken today in the hospital room. He is awake and will recover. His wife, who lives in Dothan, made it to Ft. Hood about the time he was waking up. Thought I'd share this great outcome.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Thanksgiving is next week and I don't know how many families across this great nation of ours will be celebrating without their loved ones or be forced not celebrate it at all due to finances.....and many of our precious soldiers and veterans have been left behind, so to speak, by our government.
Please look at the previous post and consider what you can do to help.
If it is not in your capability to donate money, consider donating time. The light you see in the eyes of others when you sacrifice your holiday to make sure that they have one will make up for all that you could possibly miss at home. I promise.
Coalition to Salute America's Heroes PO Box 96440 Washington, DC 20090 Providing Emergency Aid to Severely Wounded Troops and Their Families in Crisis Key Programs: Emergency Financial Aid Road to Recovery Conference Homes for Wounded Heroes Wounded Hero Career Network Family Support Network Military Friends: Lieutenant General William H. Ginn, Jr. USAF, Retired R. Admiral Charles E. McDowell USN, Retired Brigadier General James H. "Jimmie" Leach DSC, USA Retired Brigadier General R. Carl Szarlan US Air National Guard, Retired Colonel Ed. H. Caton USAF, Retired Colonel Abe Friedman USA, Retired Captain Patrick F. Kennedy USN, Retired Lt. Colonel Walt Purdy USAF, Retired | ||||
Dear Patriotic American, Have you thanked a wounded hero for your freedom lately? If not, the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday gives you a perfect opportunity. That’s because thousands of troops who have been severely burned, blinded or paralyzed in Iraq or Afghanistan will be struggling to put food on the table – and they need your help. So please make a tax-deductible donation to the Thanksgiving "Thank You" meals project, sponsored by the Coalition to Salute America's Heroes. Your gift will help provide these financially strapped military families with a $60 gift card to buy groceries, or even go out to a restaurant for Thanksgiving dinner. You can also send a special Thanksgiving THANK YOU and GET WELL card to a disabled serviceman or woman. A THANK YOU and GET WELL card from you can help in their healing and let them know you're thankful for the sacrifices they've made. My name is Major General John K. Singlaub, U.S. Army (Ret.), and I'm writing to you on behalf of the Coalition to Salute America's Heroes. The Coalition was formed in 2004 to provide emergency financial aid to severely wounded troops and their families in crisis. Already the Coalition’s generous donors have responded with emergency financial aid to more than 11,000 requests from our disabled GIs. In the process we have given them more than $22 million to avoid evictions, foreclosures, utility cutoffs, car repossessions and other financial disastersnbsp; We also provide their families with food, clothing and other basics. A Coalition survey of wounded troops indicates nearly half their spouses have quit their jobs to care for them. And thousands of spouses who were working have lost their jobs in the recession. No wonder they are having trouble putting food on the table! A gift of $60 can help provide Thanksgiving dinner with all the trimmings for one severely wounded GI and his or her family, $120 can help feed two families, $180 can provide dinner for three families, and so on. And a gift of $15, $25 or $35 can be combined with other donations to feed a family in need. Your gift to the Coalition's Thanksgiving "Thank You" meals project could help a retired Marine like Christopher Murphy of Pennsylvania, who told us that after being injured by a roadside bomb in Iraq, paying for “rent, food and car payments will be extremely difficult.” Or maybe even someone like Blair Didion Sr., whose photo is above. This retired Army sergeant from Texas, who suffered multiple spinal fractures from a roadside bomb in Iraq, says he sometimes relies on “food from public pantries” to help feed his family. That’s just not right, and I’m sure you agree. The good news is you can let a wounded hero like Blair or Christopher know you respect and honor the painful sacrifice they’ve made byhelping to provide their family with meals this Thanksgiving. Let’s face it: You and I can’t heal their physical injuries or make them whole again. (No one can.) But by helping to provide their families with a meal on Thanksgiving Day you can thank them for the sacrifice they’ve made while protecting your family’s freedom. Thanks for your patriotic support, Major General John K. Singlaub U.S. Army (Ret.), P.S. As I mentioned, thousands of GIs who have been severely wounded in Iraq or Afghanistan will have trouble putting food on the table this Thanksgiving, and they need your help. Your tax-deductible donation to the Thanksgiving "Thank You" meals project, sponsored by the Coalition to Salute America's Heroes, will help feed the family of a severely burned, blinded or paralyzed serviceman or woman who has made painful sacrifices while defending your freedom. | ||||
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Chem trails H1N1 Vaccines and NWO De Population DETAILED PLAN for MURDER via CYTOKINE STORM /mirror
You might want to take a look at this. A friend turned me on to this YouTube video that has connected the information.........
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Obama reduces 9/11 from act of war to law enforcement issue!
The following is an excerpt from someone I highly respect.
Her views are always patriotic and her voice undaunted.
Her name is Pamella Geller.
Thank God for her and the others who will not be silenced!
In a stunning act of denial and capitulation to Islamic jihad, the Obama administration submits by bringing the masterminds of the shocking invasion of America into a New York courtroom, to try the Muslim masterminds of the most brutal attack on American soil in modern history -- joining "over a millennium of jihad wars, land expropriations, enslavements, and humiliations of the conquered non-Muslim populations on three continents."
Imagine, the enemy is facing a civilian trial in NYC. Devastating. How much intel will be compromised when these jihad barbarians are all lawyered up? Those bastards should be tried as war criminals at GITMO - military court.
Please read the article in it's entirety by following this link:
Friday, November 13, 2009
Below please find a special message from one of our advertisers, The Pray In Jesus Name Project. From time to time, we receive opportunities we believe you as a valued customer may want to know about. Please note that the following message reflects the opinions and representations of our advertiser alone, and not necessarily the opinion or editorial positions of Human Events or Eagle Publishing. |
URGENT PETITION! (Even if you've signed before, you can sign again & we'll re-fax.) Please click, sign, and WE WILL FAX your petition automatically to ALL 100 U.S. SENATORS right away (saving you hours of labor!) Please forward widely. We've now sent nearly 850,000 faxes to the Senate. Can you help reach 1 Million? Sen. Harry Reid Clears Path for Anti-Jesus Pro-Allah Judge: Vote Monday? Make the 17 phone calls listed below, today, to these key "undecided" Senators. Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) said in a floor statement Monday that he will likely file a procedural motion to clear the nomination of David Hamilton, an Indiana native nominated to serve on the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals. You may remember Hamilton as the Judge who ruled it's illegal to pray "in Jesus name" but totally legal to pray to Allah on the floor of the Indiana Legislature. His foolish ruling in Hinrichs v. Bosma was overturned (thanks in part to our legal aid to the Indiana Attorney General). He also ruled to hasten the abortion of unborn children, but that bad ruling was also overturned. Now Obama wants to reward Hamilton's anti-life anti-Jesus prejudice with promotion to the same appeals court that overruled him. “Monday, a week from today, we’ll have votes in the morning. We have to do that,” Reid said, giving us more time to auto-fax all 100 Senators to filibuster Hamilton. Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) wrote a letter to all Republicans on 30 Oct, asking for help in opposing Hamilton, who the Seventh Circuit Court rebuked for repeatedly "abusing his discretion," and for a speech Hamilton gave saying the judge's primary job is "write footnotes in the Constitution" for his own activist causes. To support Sessions and Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK) who called for a filibuster, back in April & May 2009 we sent nearly 700,000 fax petitions to the full Senate against Hamilton, and we successfully persuaded all Republicans to unite against Hamilton, earning all 7 minority votes to block him in the Judiciary Committee. But all 12 committee majority Democrats voted against Jesus-prayers, and so forwarded Hamilton to the full Senate, where his nomination sat quietly without action for seven months, until now... SO PLEASE CLICK HERE TO SIGN AND WE'LL AUTOMATICALLY FAX YOUR PERSONALIZED PETITION TO ALL 100 U.S. SENATORS, OPPOSING THE ANTI-LIFE, ANTI-CHRISTIAN JUDGE DAVID HAMILTON. On 4 June 09, the Judiciary committee voted 12-7 along strict party lines, to forward the nomination of Judge David Hamilton, the anti-Jesus Judge, the same judge who issued controversial rulings banning public prayers offered "in Jesus name," (but allowing prayers to Allah), and hastening the abortion of unborn children. This vote came after we'd already sent nearly 600,000 faxes to the entire Senate opposing Hamilton, proving some Republicans listen to the voice of the people, and some Democrats remain deaf to our petitions. Now this anti-Jesus Judge Hamilton will face the full Senate, and the threat of filibuster by the pro-faith, pro-family Senator James Inhofe (R-OK). To stop Hamilton, we need 40 strong Senate votes to stand with Senator Inhofe, to uphold his filibuster. If we fail, Hamilton will be promoted to the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals, the same court that overruled his aggressive, anti-life, anti-liberty decisions for years. So we've identified 17 key undecided Senators, from which we need just 7 votes to successfully defeat Hamilton's nomination, (see list below). To support Senators Inhofe and Sessions, and stop Hamilton, we first 40 solid votes by any good conservatives or moderates, so please call both of YOUR STATE Senators, whom you might call to ask him to OPPOSE AND FILIBUSTER Judge David Hamilton, at 202-225-3121. We have carefully identified 17 undecided Senators, who should especially receive your blast-faxes in the coming days. WE MUST TAKE ACTION TODAY. So please sign our fax-petition (even if you already signed it before), but then PLEASE MAKE 17 PHONE CALLS TODAY to each of the undecided Senate votes here, asking to oppose and filibuster Judge David Hamilton, because he ruled it's illegal to pray in Jesus name, but legal to pray to Allah: x Ben Nelson, D-NE 202-224-6551 y George Voinovich, R-OH 202-224-3353 x Bill Nelson, D-FL 202-224-5274 y Judd Gregg, R-NH 202-224-3324 x Kay Hagan, D-NC 202-224-6342 y Richard Lugar, R-IN 202-224-4814 x Mark Pryor, D-AR 202-224-2353 y Olympia Snowe, R-ME 202-224-5344 xz Blanche Lincoln, D-AR 202-224-4843 y Susan Collins, R-ME 202-224-2523 z Chris Dodd, D-CT 202-224-2823 xy Kit Bond, R-MO 202-224-5721 z Barbara Boxer, D-CA 202-224-3553 z Kirsten Gillibrand, D-NY 202-224-4451 z Michael Bennet, D-CO 202-224-5852 z Roland Burris, D-IL 202-224-2854 z Byron Dorgan, D-ND 202-224-2551 (x = Lives in the South. y = Voted for Sebelius. z = Facing re-election in 2010.) But remember, 100 emails = 10 phone calls = 1 fax in political capital, since the Senate staffers must handle each paper and usually write a reply. So please join our automated fax-petition campaign first, WE WILL ESPECIALLY FAX THE 17 ABOVE. Then please forward this email to your friends in the states with Senators listed above, and to all pastors in all 50 states. SO PLEASE CLICK HERE TO SIGN AND WE'LL AUTOMATICALLY FAX YOUR PERSONALIZED PETITION TO ALL 100 U.S. SENATORS, OPPOSING THE ANTI-LIFE, ANTI-CHRISTIAN JUDGE DAVID HAMILTON. ANTI-JESUS, BUT PRO-ALLAH? Judge Hamilton wrote: "The injunction orders the Speaker...that the prayers should not use Christ's name or title or any other denominational appeal...If those offering prayers in the Indiana House of Representatives choose to use the Arabic 'Allah'...the court sees little risk that the choice of language would advance a particular religion or disparage others." In other words, Judge Hamilton ruled the words "Jesus" or "Christ" or "Savior" are illegal words, prohibited for public speech, banned by the First Amendment, which somehow prohibits freedom of religious expression, andmakes Christian prayers ILLEGAL, but prayers to Allah are TOTALLY LEGAL in a public forum. (What crazy version of the First Amendment is he reading?) Thank God, we took action in 2007 and provided legal arguments to the Indiana Attorney General who appealed to the 7th Circuit Court and WE WON a 2-1 decision overruling Hamilton, restoring the right to pray "in Jesus name" in Indiana. But if President Obama succeeds in promoting Hamilton to the same court that overruled him, that good reversal will be in jeopardy. We're now the leading national voice against Hamilton, and we're getting traction toward a successful Senate filibuster that can stop Hamilton's confirmation, much to the horror of many liberal groups (including the National Abortion Rights Action League who is actively campaigning FOR Hamilton). But together, we can be a louder voice. SO PLEASE CLICK HERE TO SIGN AND WE'LL AUTOMATICALLY FAX YOUR PERSONALIZED PETITION TO ALL 100 U.S. SENATORS, OPPOSING THE ANTI-LIFE, ANTI-CHRISTIAN JUDGE DAVID HAMILTON. READ THE FACTS: The Judicial Confirmation Network quickly opposed Hamilton's nomination, stating that "President Obama's first nominee to the federal appeals courts -- specifically the appeals court based in Chicago -- is an ultra-liberal named David Hamilton who is aformer fundraiser for ACORN and former leader of the Indiana chapter of the ACLU. He was nominated to the district court bench by President Clinton even though he had no judicial experience and was rated as 'not qualified' by the American Bar Association." Now newly promoted Judiciary Committee ranking minority Member Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL), agrees with pro-faith Senator James Inhofe (R-OK), that we should oppose and filibuster Hamilton's nomination to the 7th Circuit. Thanks in part to our public pressure, the Republicans and Sessions have twice succeeded in delaying Hamilton's committee votes, saying "This a complex area of the law, I'll admit, but it's time for the federal court to get their heads straight on proper separation of church and state issues." PLEASE CLICK HERE TO SIGN AND WE'LL AUTOMATICALLY FAX YOUR PERSONALIZED PETITION TO ALL 100 U.S. SENATORS, OPPOSING THE ANTI-LIFE, ANTI-CHRISTIAN JUDGE DAVID HAMILTON. ANTI-LIFE BUT PRO-ABORTION? In 2003, Judge Hamilton struck down part of an Indiana law on abortion. The reasonable law had required abortion clinics to simply give women information about alternatives to abortion in the presence of a physician or nurse, 18 hours before the procedure, until Hamilton ruled to hasten abortions. But thank God, the 7th Circuit Court also reversed Hamilton's bad decision in that case. If confirmed now Hamilton will sit on that 7th Circuit Court (the same court that frequently overruled him) withtyrannical power to rule the heartland of Indiana, Illinois, and Wisconsin with his anti-life, anti-liberty, anti-Christian agenda. WE CAN WIN THIS BATTLE! We've already sent nearly 700,000 faxes to the full Senate, and we're getting results! On April 1st and again on April 29th, Senator Orrin Hatch led all Republicans to walk out of the Senate Judiciary Committee, in protest against the Democrat "rush job" to confirm Judge Hamilton. Senator Jeff Sessions said he was troubled by Hamilton's ruling against a sectarian prayer to open the Indiana House of Representatives. EvenSenator Arlen Specter expressed concern about Hamilton while serving as a Republican, but after switching parties he broke his promise to not become a "rubber stamp" for the Obama Administration, and voted to confirm Hamilton anyway. But will any Democrats oppose the anti-Jesus Hamilton? But first, take action right now! I pray you will not hesitate, but sign the petition and WE WILL FAX your petition right away, automatically to all 100 U.S. Senators. PLEASE CLICK HERE TO SIGN AND WE'LL AUTOMATICALLY FAX YOUR PERSONALIZED PETITION TO ALL 100 U.S. SENATORS, OPPOSING THE ANTI-LIFE, ANTI-CHRISTIAN JUDGE DAVID HAMILTON. | |
| |
P.S. Time is urgent! The full Senate will vote on Hamilton soon. Click and sign today, & we will forward your name immediately. Please don't wait another minute. Life, Liberty, and Jesus are too important to be banned by one extremist judge. Disclaimer: The views of Chaplain Klingenschmitt, who was honorably but involuntarily discharged from the Navy in 2007 after facing court-martial for praying "in Jesus name" in uniform, (but was later vindicated by Congress), are his own personal views, not the views of any political party, government, or organization. |
Monday, November 9, 2009
A Patriot's letter to the Government.....
Here is the updated version.
Please print this out, sign and date it. Then as soon as you can, mail this declaration out to all of your state senators, your governor,your mayor, your state reps within Congress and the White House.
Please pass this on to everyone you know and have them sign it and do the same. Print this letter out sign it and take it to your friends, families, neighbors house and have them sign it. Give them a copy and have them do the same.
Take this letter to events and protests, have people there sign it. Give them a copy and have them do the same.
When you gather as many signatures as you possibly can. Then once again mail it to your 2 state senators, your governor, and the white house. As well as email it to your representatives.
Good luck, and God bless. Oh, and make sure to delete this top portion, and my name at the bottom before you print. This was NOT written by me just so you are all aware, but it is fantastic.
-------------------------- -------------------------- -------------------------- ---------
To whom it may concern,
“We The People", the FREE people of these United States, will be forced to march to our respective state capitols, in revolt against the destruction of our constitutional republic if you do not cease and desist from your violations of the law. You must begin immediate reversal of the erosion of the constitution. We patriots will not take your excuses anymore. We are sick and tired of your lies, your constant disregard toward us, and your prostitution of this great nation.
To be more specific in the details of our grievance, we are not corporations, and corporations will not have rights of people. Most every law you have made in the past 100 years are in complete violation of the 10th amendment. You have restricted our first amendment, our right to assemble, and slowly are attempting to destroy the 2nd amendment and our right to protect ourselves because you know you have to in order to keep us from rebelling. There are more violations than can be named. It is your job to know the law and what is in violation of the law. We should not need to tell you. We put you in your position to uphold the law, not to make it up as is most profitable to international bankers and your campaign.
We have been watching you, we know who you are, and we have seen your true colors. We know who funds most of your campaigns. We have realized the charade behind the two party systems that has been played before us, which is only to disguise the monopoly of power behind the scenes by playing alternating good cop bad cop. We are telling you, it ends now and to make it more clear if necessary, THIS WILL ONLY CONTINUE OVER OUR DEAD BODIES. It may be up to you how many bodies that is. This is not a threat but a promise. We are arming, we are preparing, we are studying in the final and absolute defeat of the “new world order” president Bush so frequently referred to. We are not dumbed down citizens, but refined patriots marching for our freedoms with technologies and weaponry our founding fathers would have only dreamed of. You all have been lazy while we have been preparing and your arrogance will be your downfall if you do not immediately take proactive measures to restore the constitutional republic as intended by our founding fathers. The longer you postpone action, the stronger we bond against your tyranny and the more numbers you have against you.
If you will not receive us as patriots and defenders of our great nation, if you will not recognize our will and mindfulness of your mess, if you disregard our petitions and protests anymore, you will leave us with no choice but action. We are trying to resolve these issues in a peaceful manner. We are trying to be civil, with protests and phone calls. We are here asking you for your help but telling you, when that help does not arrive, we will have no choice but to act upon our civic responsibilities as Americans and defend our constitution from your tyranny. We are voicing our opinions and concerns on news stations and radio shows, writing you letters and emails of our disgust, filing petitions for redress of grievances against your collective power hungry antics, and yet you shut us out of your offices, remove us from town halls, refuse to take our calls, destroy our letters, and continue to participate in the same illegal acts we have already confronted you with. Instead of addressing our issues, you insist on discrediting our cause or ignoring it all together, hoping it will go away while it grows vigorously. You label us lunatics and crazies on TV because you cannot win with facts and must rely on ignorant and often slanderous personal attacks instead.
We are done with polite requests and may be done with you personally as a representative if you do not act now. We are no longer taking your crap and will not tolerate excuses or inaction. You have failed exceedingly in your job, not once, but many times. We are fed up with your lies and concerned for our Constitution. We will fully prosecute all traitors to the fullest extent of the law and that time is coming fast.
This is your final warning, listen to us or get out of the way. Heed our demands our be punished to the fullest extent of the law. We are not asking but telling you, give us a peaceful resolve and heed our calls. Otherwise, we will be left with no other choice, but to make you jobless and take matters in to our own hands.
"We The People"
Demand that you abide by every word of our constitution.
We demand that you stop the socialization of America.
We demand that you destroy every plan for a one-world government.
We demand that you shred every law that restricts or infringes upon our amendments.
We demand that you abolish unconstitutional portions of the "Patriot Act"
We demand that you relinquish Obamas presidency or show us his birth certificate.
We demand that you abolish the federal reserve and take back our monetary system.
We demand that you better the security of our borders.
We demand that you make our national language "New American English"
We demand that you make us all Americans.
(No African American, Latin American, etc. We are all simply Americans)
We demand that you better the system for our veterans and our soldiers.
We demand that you better your relations with Israel.
We demand that you sever ties with Iran, and strip their nuclear powers away.
We demand that you abide by these or face the consequences.
This is not a joke; these are not polite suggestions. This is no longer a play for a good show on tv and radio. We are stopping you from destroying our nation. Meet these demands or you will have the biggest REVOLUTION this world has ever seen.
"We The People"
-------------------------- -------------------------- -------------------------- ---------
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness...
-Declaration of Independence
So effective immediately:
I hereby withdraw my consent to be governed, on the grounds of unconstitutional actions by the government, and because of violations of my civil and natural rights by the government.
And also, Effective immediately:
I hereby withdraw my consent to be governed by President Obama and his administration, on the grounds of the unconstitutional actions that these individuals have displayed on behalf of the people of this great Nation. They have violated my civil and natural rights, which the Constitution of The United States of America has endowed me with as a natural born citizen of this country, through said destructive actions, thereby leaving me with no other choice but to begin the process of organizing with other Countrymen/Patriots to once again secure those endowed unalienable rights which are inclusive but not limited to Life... Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
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“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquillity of servitude than the animating contest of freedom, — go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you,... and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen!”
--Samuel Adams
Betty Wright, November 8, 2009
Please print this out, sign and date it. Then as soon as you can, mail this declaration out to all of your state senators, your governor,your mayor, your state reps within Congress and the White House.
Please pass this on to everyone you know and have them sign it and do the same. Print this letter out sign it and take it to your friends, families, neighbors house and have them sign it. Give them a copy and have them do the same.
Take this letter to events and protests, have people there sign it. Give them a copy and have them do the same.
When you gather as many signatures as you possibly can. Then once again mail it to your 2 state senators, your governor, and the white house. As well as email it to your representatives.
Good luck, and God bless. Oh, and make sure to delete this top portion, and my name at the bottom before you print. This was NOT written by me just so you are all aware, but it is fantastic.
To whom it may concern,
“We The People", the FREE people of these United States, will be forced to march to our respective state capitols, in revolt against the destruction of our constitutional republic if you do not cease and desist from your violations of the law. You must begin immediate reversal of the erosion of the constitution. We patriots will not take your excuses anymore. We are sick and tired of your lies, your constant disregard toward us, and your prostitution of this great nation.
To be more specific in the details of our grievance, we are not corporations, and corporations will not have rights of people. Most every law you have made in the past 100 years are in complete violation of the 10th amendment. You have restricted our first amendment, our right to assemble, and slowly are attempting to destroy the 2nd amendment and our right to protect ourselves because you know you have to in order to keep us from rebelling. There are more violations than can be named. It is your job to know the law and what is in violation of the law. We should not need to tell you. We put you in your position to uphold the law, not to make it up as is most profitable to international bankers and your campaign.
We have been watching you, we know who you are, and we have seen your true colors. We know who funds most of your campaigns. We have realized the charade behind the two party systems that has been played before us, which is only to disguise the monopoly of power behind the scenes by playing alternating good cop bad cop. We are telling you, it ends now and to make it more clear if necessary, THIS WILL ONLY CONTINUE OVER OUR DEAD BODIES. It may be up to you how many bodies that is. This is not a threat but a promise. We are arming, we are preparing, we are studying in the final and absolute defeat of the “new world order” president Bush so frequently referred to. We are not dumbed down citizens, but refined patriots marching for our freedoms with technologies and weaponry our founding fathers would have only dreamed of. You all have been lazy while we have been preparing and your arrogance will be your downfall if you do not immediately take proactive measures to restore the constitutional republic as intended by our founding fathers. The longer you postpone action, the stronger we bond against your tyranny and the more numbers you have against you.
If you will not receive us as patriots and defenders of our great nation, if you will not recognize our will and mindfulness of your mess, if you disregard our petitions and protests anymore, you will leave us with no choice but action. We are trying to resolve these issues in a peaceful manner. We are trying to be civil, with protests and phone calls. We are here asking you for your help but telling you, when that help does not arrive, we will have no choice but to act upon our civic responsibilities as Americans and defend our constitution from your tyranny. We are voicing our opinions and concerns on news stations and radio shows, writing you letters and emails of our disgust, filing petitions for redress of grievances against your collective power hungry antics, and yet you shut us out of your offices, remove us from town halls, refuse to take our calls, destroy our letters, and continue to participate in the same illegal acts we have already confronted you with. Instead of addressing our issues, you insist on discrediting our cause or ignoring it all together, hoping it will go away while it grows vigorously. You label us lunatics and crazies on TV because you cannot win with facts and must rely on ignorant and often slanderous personal attacks instead.
We are done with polite requests and may be done with you personally as a representative if you do not act now. We are no longer taking your crap and will not tolerate excuses or inaction. You have failed exceedingly in your job, not once, but many times. We are fed up with your lies and concerned for our Constitution. We will fully prosecute all traitors to the fullest extent of the law and that time is coming fast.
This is your final warning, listen to us or get out of the way. Heed our demands our be punished to the fullest extent of the law. We are not asking but telling you, give us a peaceful resolve and heed our calls. Otherwise, we will be left with no other choice, but to make you jobless and take matters in to our own hands.
"We The People"
Demand that you abide by every word of our constitution.
We demand that you stop the socialization of America.
We demand that you destroy every plan for a one-world government.
We demand that you shred every law that restricts or infringes upon our amendments.
We demand that you abolish unconstitutional portions of the "Patriot Act"
We demand that you relinquish Obamas presidency or show us his birth certificate.
We demand that you abolish the federal reserve and take back our monetary system.
We demand that you better the security of our borders.
We demand that you make our national language "New American English"
We demand that you make us all Americans.
(No African American, Latin American, etc. We are all simply Americans)
We demand that you better the system for our veterans and our soldiers.
We demand that you better your relations with Israel.
We demand that you sever ties with Iran, and strip their nuclear powers away.
We demand that you abide by these or face the consequences.
This is not a joke; these are not polite suggestions. This is no longer a play for a good show on tv and radio. We are stopping you from destroying our nation. Meet these demands or you will have the biggest REVOLUTION this world has ever seen.
"We The People"
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness...
-Declaration of Independence
So effective immediately:
I hereby withdraw my consent to be governed, on the grounds of unconstitutional actions by the government, and because of violations of my civil and natural rights by the government.
And also, Effective immediately:
I hereby withdraw my consent to be governed by President Obama and his administration, on the grounds of the unconstitutional actions that these individuals have displayed on behalf of the people of this great Nation. They have violated my civil and natural rights, which the Constitution of The United States of America has endowed me with as a natural born citizen of this country, through said destructive actions, thereby leaving me with no other choice but to begin the process of organizing with other Countrymen/Patriots to once again secure those endowed unalienable rights which are inclusive but not limited to Life... Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquillity of servitude than the animating contest of freedom, — go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you,... and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen!”
--Samuel Adams
Betty Wright, November 8, 2009
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