Thursday, October 22, 2009


Okay, I found this great blog by accident. And, I am so glad I is an excerpt:

People on the left despise George W. Bush, but there is no denying that he was more effective. After all, if he was ineffective, they would have no reason to despise him. Liberals love conservatives that fail to accomplish their goals.
President Bush had a 50/50 Senate, yet he got his tax cuts through.
Barack Obama has 60 Democrats in the Senate, and can’t get them to agree on anything except to blame Republicans.
When the Children Cry, let them know we tried.
The Pelosiraptor refers to the voters opposing her as Astroturf. The St. Louis Rams and Indianapolis Colts won many games on Astroturf.  Maybe she is blaming Republicans for the recent failure of the Rams. Then again, her opposition to Limbaugh buying them means she wants them to fail.
Ok, enough silliness for now.
Islamofacist terrorists are trying to kill us all. Conservatives care about this. We don’t have time for the absolute nonsense that consumes the left.
We do not have time to hold full time jobs in the private sector and come home to babysit screaming liberals children neglected by the nanny state the left loves.
The left has two options. Either accomplish something, or don’t.
Just quit the crying. Quit railing against other private citizens.
George W. Bush did not complain about MSNBC, which truly does exist to spread left-wing bile. He did not complain about the Jayson Blair Times. He did not make Gunga Dan Rather and Mary “fake but accurate” Mapes commit fraud and cover it up.
Barack Obama has not and will not ever encounter 10% of the criticism is his predecessor did for existing and breathing air.

*To read more follow this link:  and do yourself a favor and read some of the comments left by other readers. Some are a little lengthy, but well worth your time.

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