Saturday, October 24, 2009

'Honor' killings, there is no honor in murder...

These women could be our neighbors, our best friend, our sister...but they wont be because they are dead! They are the victims of Islamic Honor Killings, and it is getting worse and worse in the US and Canada. Not to mention Sweden, the UK and other western countries. You can not afford to ignore the big ugly elephant in the room anymore! Sons murder their mothers, brothers kill their sisters, husbands kill their wives and daughters because under Sharia law they have that right if they feel that dishonor has been put on them for any reason! This must stop in our country...and it stop when people like you and me stand up and say that we will not be intimidated by them or any one else.....Please read this article and take a close look at the women in the it because their families wont.

These are the faces of the beautiful dead. We must honor them. No one else will...

Morsal o2



Please spread the word. Tell everyone you know even if they don't want to hear it. They must know!

For lack of knowledge my people perish.
We are at that time, Ladies and Gentlemen, we will perish if we don't arm ourselves with information and resolve.

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